Data Protection

Data Protection and Privacy
As part of our work we may receive personal information from different sources including local authorities, user groups, land owners and private individuals. The type of personal information we will usually process includes names, addresses and other contact details. This information is typically contained in letters and statements is support or objection to a case, user evidence forms and other representations submitted to us.

How we use your personal information
We use your personal information only for the purposes for which it was provided. We hold your personal information only for as long as is reasonably necessary.

Who has access to your personal information?
Due to the nature of our work many of the papers associated with a case are likely, at some point in the statutory process, to be made available for public inspection – usually at a local authority’s offices. Anyone can view them at this time.

Documents may also be sent to the Planning Inspectorate, Local Authority and/or made available to our Clients as part of a case review. Due to the nature of our work information cannot usually be redacted.

Protecting your personal information
You should only provide us with your personal information if you are happy for it to be placed in the public domain. Please do not include information about another person (including family members) unless you have told them and they are happy for you to do so.

Your rights to access personal information
For any enquiry or concern about our privacy policy please contact us.